I am so sick of seeing men and women tear each other down.
I came across this video today. It is AMAZING what Ronda Rousey has accomplished. What goals she has set for herself and being an inspiration to those who share those goals.
But it does NOT help to say, "Why can't women just understand muscles are sexy?"
I need to be skinnier, because it's sexy.
I need to have more curves, "more meat on my bones," because it's sexy.
I need to wear more makeup, because it's sexy, but I also need to remember that makeup should be subtle and so effortlessly natural most people can't even tell it's there, because it's sexy.
I need to show a little more skin, because it's sexy, but don't forget to be modest about your looks, because that's sexy.
And now, I need to add muscles to my skinny-but-curvy frame with my enhancing-but-natural makeup and revealing-but-modest clothes, because my ultimate goal in life has always been to be sexy. I mean, that's why Rousey is a Bantamweight Champion, right? Because it's sexy?
Stop it. Stop telling me what I need to do to have worth. Stop thinking you can convince me to do something because YOU find it attractive. Where did you get this attitude from? What makes you think I have any interest in impressing you?
You know what? I love working out. I love seeing how far I can push myself, I love trying new things, I love being able to lift just as much shit as my coworkers. I find that sexy, for myself. I will find myself just as sexy on those days where I really don't feel like working out and would rather eat ice cream for breakfast.
That doesn't mean I will tear someone else down for their choice to not work for a healthy lifestyle. You can be a "Do-Nothing-Bitch." You can weigh however much or little as you'd like, if you so desire. It is YOUR body and you treat it however YOU see fit. If you're unhappy with how it looks, awesome, I would be more than happy to help you change it.
But I would really prefer it if your primary reason for getting healthy isn't, "Because someone told me it's sexy."
Edit: I would like to put a note that it's not quite as much the video that bothers me (only a little) but rather the comments I've seen that seem to think the point of the video is to convey that all women should be working out to be as attractive as Ronda. However, please feel free to leave your opinion on the video as well!