Recently I went with my girlfriend to a modern art gallery. I've always disliked modern art. I just find that I can't appreciate it on any level. I'm no artist or art historian, but I've always found classical art far more fascinating. My argument was always that classical artists always seemed to be looking for new methods to improve their work; usually citing Da Vinci's use of new materials, techniques, etc.
My girlfriend on the other hand is the total opposite. She loves modern art because you can look at it, think about it, and draw your own conclusions and finds it difficult to appreciate classical art. She'll say "they all look the same!", and that although they are very good depictions of a scene, they don't seem to make any statement.
This video takes my side of the argument, but thinking about it, who is anyone to try to limit art and expression in any way? There was a post ThatFanficGuy made not long ago where he was talking about proper form, or "correct" language. I immediately took the side of "there is no 'correct' language!" and yet here I am defending a 'correct' way of painting. It could quite possibly be a hypocritical claim to make. Surely if I say that language is organic and shouldn't be limited, I should say the same of art?
EDIT: There seems to be a misunderstanding with a few people here. I am not trying to impose opinions on anybody. I just want to learn more about a subject in which I have an interest and also to spark a discussion.