Starting today, voting for a post shares the post with your followers. Furthermore, your home page on Hubski is now your hubfeed. Popular posts can be found in the trending page.
As a result, posts now propagate across the Hubski community by sharing and resharing.
Why do this?
I have never been satisfied that posts on Hubski compete for real-estate on one shared page. That format creates a limited resource that feels unnecessary. In addition, I don’t think we should lose contact with our fellow hubskiers as the community grows. Part of good conversation is building relationships, and I feel that Hubski should enable us to build and maintain them.
There are other reasons behind this change, but rather than explain them all in detail here, I would be happy to answer any questions below.
Like any change, this will take some getting used to. For those of you that have helped make our fledgling community so good, please give it a chance and see how it feels. It is likely that we will have to tweak some things as we go forward. As always, your feedback is much appreciated.
I should also note that you can now un-share and un-vote posts or comments.