print[48 HOURS] Okay, Who Rocketed?
by kleinbl00
So who launched those rockets? It’s possible this was a freelance, “lone wolf” (God, I hate that term!) operation by a few angry Palestinian refugees. SW Syria is home—if you call a miserable tent camp “home”—to hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees. One of the biggest, oldest, nastiest of these camps is near Daraa, very close to Golan.
Palestinians in the camp have been bombarded by nearly every faction in the war. Their lives were bad enough before, and they’ve become intolerable since the war began. It’s not hard to imagine that some of them might want to send a rocket at Israel even if they knew it wouldn’t do any good. But again, I just can’t see any of the local militias letting them do it. It’d be like agreeing to take your nerdiest friend for a paintball drive-by on the local Mexican Mafia HQ. Just not a smart idea. The IDF has had a policy of massive retaliation against any threat, no matter how pathetic, for a long time.