Title: Meat on the Tabe Tonight
Sketcher: Me, Fallexe
Date: 150829
Materials: Graphite, Paper, Coffee (stimulant)
The pictures of the pigs cutting themselves that were going around the Internet recently. Credit must also go to Basquiat of course.
1. I began by shading the top left corner of the paper, seeking inspiration.
2. The shading looked like a blood stain, reminding me of the pig pictures. I immediately began writing the words DEAD MEAT on the right hand side of the page.
3. Added the spirits of the dead animals to the top of the page. I began to feel very intense as the coffee was taking effect.
4. A major theme if the pig pictures was the advertisement of death as a product. I added advertisements to the drawing, such as SIZZLE BACON DEATH and a sign promoting "Blood Delivery."
5. Coffee intensified. Began chanting KILL EAT over and over in my mind. Added the border and broke the pencil.
6. Began rubbing the broken pencil on the left side of the page until told to stop making such an unbearable noise, completing the sketch.
Critical feedback welcome. Interpret as you please. I am not vegetarian.