I just started my first real, post-college job. I'm at a desk from nine to six (minus an hour for lunch). That's too long. It's driving me crazy.
I had ludicrous amounts of free time in college. I don't know why. Not that I'd have it any other way -- I need more downtime than most people need of sleep. And high school was at least highly structured. But work? Work is endless, work is repetitive. I thought, "Even if this job is terrible, just suffer through it until another place extends an offer," but what's terrible about my job isn't specific to my employer. It is, I assume, ubiquitous in at least my field (software engineering) and many others. In fact, I thought I'd love throwing myself into work. "I'll be too young to value my own time for years!" I thought. Whoops.
I know people get acclimated to how life is basically hell, e.g. I'm not still crying every time I have to eat something green, but ought I to get used to this? I don't want constant novelty, adventure, just some more of my own time.
Aside from taking selfies and photoshopping $'s onto my eyes, how do I come to terms with being adult? Or will I only be happy doing something else?
(Is there a way out? for example becoming Henry David Thereau or taking some kind of drug.)