Inspired by Xavi Vives' Hong Kong 50K after three days of fasting (!!), I have only a cup of lightly salted black coffee (don't knock it till you try it) before heading to work on a snow day. I make several mistakes on my first run in months, fortunately none serious. 1. Plan on hydrating at the several water fountains along my route. All are frozen. 2. The cotton race shirt that seems so warm and dry at home compared to cold polyester tech shirts is damp and clammy when I remove my jacket after a mile of warmup. 3. Wear brand new shoes, a cheapo pair of lightweight black sneakers that I can get away with at the office. They work out fine. 4. Photo op standing on the apparently frozen solid Potomac results in one foot soaked. Good to learn that this was no big deal even in 28°F weather. First miles of run were predictably a struggle after months of slacking, but Running with the Kenyans was inspiring. The author asked how the Kenyans can charge up hills when he wants to slow down. "They want it more" is the answer. The Rosslyn bike counter shows 42 at 9 a.m., about a tenth of the lowest number I've ever seen. Fun conversation at the workplace water cooler (i.e. Keurig machine) when I am asked if I came in on the train. Or drove? Bus? Rode the bike?? The blizzard is expected to start soon after noon, and I haven't decided yet how I'll get home.
8.77 miles in 1:28, 10:02 min/mi pace