Yes, one month of 2016 has furtively passed us by, bringing us into the final phase of winter's grip. It also means that one month of potential self-improvement has hopefully been tackled head-on. Come share your tales of betterment. Or maybe things haven't gone so well? That's okay. Part of the process is aligning yourself to the right goals. Either way, keep on working!
Sheet Update: Those of you who requested the capability to add one-time goals rejoice! You now have that option. I duly created the functionality and updated everyone's sheet.
Also, one last thing. In a week or two I will start pruning those user's sheets who haven't been filled in (I.E. not actually added in any goals). This is to keep the formulas accurate and the document at optimal performance
Shoutouts, let me know if you wish to be added or removed: blackbootz ButterflyEffect byonic caeli Cedar coffeesp00ns Creativity Cumol doesntgolf elizabeth francopoli galen goobster jafle jleopold KARAMAZ0V kleinbl00 lil nowaypablo NSSTomato OftenBen psychoticmilkman Quatrarius thundara thenewgreen kingmudsy