The same radical groups involved in shutting down Donald Trump’s Chicago rally last week are plotting a mass civil disobedience movement to begin this April. They intend to march across the East Coast in order to spark a “fire that transforms the political climate in America.”
The operation, calling itself Democracy Spring, is threatening “drama in Washington” with the “largest civil disobedience action of the century.” The radicals believe this will result in the arrest of thousands of their own activists.
These activist have not yet realized in their delusional minds the people have Spoken - The people have chosen Donald TRUMP as our next President!
The leftist, the establishment, and the malcontents should shut the hell up. The more they talk against Trump the harder it gets to defeat him. Ever consider that the reason they can protest so much is because they do not have to work for a living? They live off the welfare system that we sustain the rights for our OWN people . These people protesting are criminal scum, illegal immigrant drug, sex slave traffickers and Green party wacko-a-dos.
That and they are paid to protest by the DNC and other fellow travelers. But SCOTUS said Money in Politics = Free Speech. The leaders of Germany, Sweden, France and Great Britain are scumbags destroying their own people. And we are supposed to respect their opinion of Mr. Trump?
The opinion of communist leaders in other countries are important to how and who we elect as our president how? They are just as afraid of Mr. Trump as the GOP establishment an for the same reasons. Donald Trump is not like Obama and will NOT bow down to the terrorist countries and give them what they want. We are AMERICAN and WE don't care what people in other countries think about OUR country. I never needed Larouche to teach me this. It is self evident to those with half a brain.
Just the most prominent head on a hydra of corruption. Well camouflaged too, as everyone thinks George Soros = Progressives yet you need to realize that George Soros's aim is still the same aim as the GOPe. Both want globalist trade deals. Both want amnesty and open borders. Both love using our military for their own ambitions. Both want to dissolve our nation state.
The only difference is window dressing. That head wears religious conservatism that only seems to divide not unite, this head wears AIPAC, that head is the industrial concerns, this one is the banking cartel, here is the tech elite, oh look it's Wall Street with a new debt instrument and HFT's. Cut one off and a new one takes its place almost immediately. WE need to burn them all out and cauterize the necks.
Push the National Capitalist movement. Break the free trade deals apart. Break the Federal Reserve apart. Trust bust every industry starting with the media. Build the wall, control our borders. Turn our military into a finely honed sword instead of a taxpayer funded money leech. A complete overhaul of education focused on actually teaching our kids to high standards of math, science and history instead of indoctrination to progressivism. Health, labor, the entire kit and kaboodle. With the intended purpose of not more government, but EFFECTIVE government. One that says "Here are the tools and support for success. Show the world they work with Americans and only for America.
Both Democrats and Republicans want a New World Order. There is no Democrat Or Republican Party anymore. They are one and the same. They all play golf together and go to Bohemian grove together. It's them against Americans. They are going to crash this world economy..Obama has our Military in 140 countries..He has us at 19 trillion in Debt. Bush wasn't any better either, So Wake up!
Consider the meeting on Sea Island, Ga. a few weekends back. In attendance: The 'elite' from Google, Apple, Facebook, Napster, Space-x/Tesla,along with McConnell, Ryan, Rove, Kristol, Sulzberger (NYT), and many members of Congress. It was reported that a fleet of 54 PRIVATE jets were used for transporting the above mentioned for the American Enterprise Institute's World Forum for a STOP TRUMP AT ALL COSTS pow wow. These people are dead serious about stopping our man. not to mention the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation the MacArthur Foundation, DuPont.
Soros is FAR from alone. He's the biggest of all and most active and damaging of the about corruption and elitist. He should be in the US terrorist watch list like he is in several other countries. His son is exactly like him, and very active, as I understand. They're genetically predisposed to their mental illnesses, imo.
He and his father were Nazi collaborators. He now is a close favorite of Queen Elizabeth of the British Empire. The queen of England perhaps forgets Soros was the instrument that 'broke the bank of England'?
There is reason for the Reformation and our separation from the crown. Just because someone assumes the mantle of authority and all the inherent influences associated with that title, does not make them more learned, intelligent or somehow "better" than the average individual.
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