5-6 shots fired about a quarter block from my coffee shop.
No one was injured.
If these guys spent an afternoon at the range or just bothered to get out of their cars there would be many a bloody afternoon in my neighborhood.
It's an early start this year, huzzah!
I know the guy who got shot at. He's about as sharp as a marble. He buys pastries a few times a week and has reasonably good manners. He is also 19 years old lives in a beat up old dump with his grandma but drives a new land rover. Seemed pretty shook up but I've been told that this isn't the first time someone has tried to finish him.
Ah well, I bet it's going to be another hot summer.
Some stupid old bag came in about an hour and a half after the shooting. The street is blocked off, crime taped and filled with cops. "What happened was there an accident?"
"Naw....Shooting, 5-6 shots."
"Oh, Goodness...I better get out of here!" she breathlessly exclaim
I try not to be snarky but..."The police batallion just down the block will probably be able to keep you safe..."
I don't know how you could live in this neighborhood and be that scared of a shooting, it's not common but you couldn't say it's uncommon.
The Black people in the neighborhood were much more upset about it than the Whites. I've mentioned before that the neighborhood has two worlds living side beside and it's way more likely that a shooting effects the Black community than the White even if in this instance the kid who almost got shined was White.
A good customer of mine was at the wrong place at the wrong time back in 93 and got shot by mistake during a gang war, he lived but his dog was killed in the spray of 35 bullets. They wouldn't have shot at him if he had been White.
Anyway, I'm sick of the flying any things, it'll be nice when they clear up in a week or two.