ThatFanficGuy asked to see more photos of Moshi, so here you go!
He is doing fantastic, we've had two days with no mess in his crate and today I put him outside and he did great. He's been on a few walks now, today I think we will do the school dropoff together as its a pretty sunny (if cold) day.
He has definitely learnt the sit command, and he knows to sit before he gets his meals or crosses the road. He has some anxiety about roads but I'm using Cesar Milan's advice to speak confidently and authoritatively, using Walk On to move past any obstacles.
Speaking of, I bought Cesar's book but found out his methods are pretty widely panned by both the RSPCA (a fantastic organisation) and Alan Titchmarsh (he's a sweet old British celebrity). So we got the RSPCA book and it has almost no information in it at all. I asked family where they get their dog training information from and they were less than helpful, it seems I have an aunt-in-law who trains dogs? Doesn't help me, but oh well. Moshi starts a puppy course with the wife and the eldest soon.
This morning I tried Stay with him and he did fantastic, and he's always good for me walking and socialising with other dogs, so maybe I'm doing it right anyway!