Didn't plan ahead with the family coming in town, so this thread is a bit late. Will develop a solid schedule for the coming PsBattles as a result. Look out for PsBski #3 Announcement thread coming out in the next couple days.
Welcome to the second Hubski PsBattle!
Where the entries are submitted by you, and the points don't matter!
Stock Image for PsBski #2: TNG's Watering Hole.
Next Announcement Thread will feature the winner in the next couple days along with the next battle's stock photo. Post your suggestions for stock photos here!
The Rules:
- Announcements threads are posted on the 1st and 15th of the month, where the winner of the previous battle is announced and stock images for the next battle are submitted.
- The entries threads are posted two weeks following their respective announcement thread.
- Both entries and stock images can be voted on via number of shares.
- Stock images are submitted and chosen by Hubskiers in the Announcement Thread(s). Images of, for, and by you are encouraged!
- Please use this guide for guidelines on a good submissions for stock photos.
Feedback appreciated!
If you'd like to be added or removed from the shout-out list, let me know!