by kleinbl00
For those of you not following FiveThirtyEight's election ticker, WTF is wrong with you? and for those of you who are, last night the nowcast dropped below 10% for Trump for the first time. Personally, I'm enjoying every minute of this dumpster fire. Except that part where Trump suggested maybe Hillary Clinton should be shot.
Anyway. We appear to have crested to that delicious part where the GOP tries to figure out WTF to do next - much like they created the Southern Strategy after Goldwater blew the fuck up. Choice quotes:
“If Mr. Trump loses the election narrowly, the stab-in-the-back thesis will have a patina of credibility that he might have won had it not been for the opposition of people like me. But a McGovern-style defeat makes that argument impossible to sustain except among the most cretinous.”
- Brett Stephens, WSJ
“Purges didn’t look good on the KGB, and they wouldn’t be a good look for the GOP (though I did laugh when political consultant Mike Murphy cheerily hoped for ‘at least a few show trials’). I don’t want to purge a soul from this stupid, silly, busted party of ours.”
- John Noonan, former Jeb Bush national security adviser
“Fiorina would be perfect for (chair of the RNC). As the former CEO of HP, she knows how organizations are supposed to perform, and as a former GOP presidential candidate, she surely knows that the RNC is not performing well at all.”
- Jay Cost in the Weakly Standard
Stochastic terrorism aside, my popcorn is popping.