Today was the first round of the French Republican Primary. The results, as expected, were unexpected :
François Fillon (ex prime-minister under Sarkozy) : 44%
Alain Juppé (ex prime-minister under Jacques Chirac) : 28%
Sarkozy (ex president) : 21.1%
The polls were like this, a month ago :
Alain Juppé : 37%
Sarkozy : 33%
Bruno Le Maire : 13% (he is under 3%).
François Fillon : 10%
The second round is going to be Fillon against Juppé. It seems impossible for Juppé to win, but who knows.
The landscape of French politics for the next Presidential election is something like this :
Mélenchon (far left) - Yannick Jadot (ecology party) - François Hollande (current president, not sure if he's going to present himself for the next election due to his popularity being really low) (left) - Emmanuel Macron (a mix between left and right, he's young) - Fillon or Juppé -- probably Fillon (right) - Marine Le Pen (far right)
Likely results from the first round : Fillon & Marine Le Pen.
Likely results from the second round : Fillon.
We will see how it goes!