LOL. It is a day of the week ending in "Y" so it is time to shit on video games for taking eyeballs off the old media people.
Dad and Grandpa sent toe jobs overseas to boost their stock portfolio and the jobs don't exist any more. Tell some guy who has been looking for a job that does not involve "would you like fries with that" or Walmart that he is a useless sack of shit for playing video games. Go on, do it and please tell us the response.
Me being who I am, now we play the game of "Who the fuck does this guy think he is?" and I start digging. Guy has a web page that is kinda generic. He did graduate summa cum laude from Yale, so rich kid. And he writes for the National Review which makes him a TradCon. Of Course. So here we have a silver spoon kid who grew up privileged telling people with no jobs how dare they not live the life I have.
Fuck this guy.