“Look, but she is gonna get—you know, I don’t want her stinkin’ Muslim crap in my country,” Roseanna said.
“Sharia law,” Amy chimed in. Her iridescent CoverGirl highlighter glinted under the stadium lights. “Sharia law.”
“That’s not America,” Roseanna said. “She is a Muslim through and through …She wants that all here.” She wondered whether Omar had come to the U.S. illegally.
Sharing this because it frustrates me to read. The scope of what constitutes racism to these people is so hilariously narrow that I have a tough time believing they genuinely feel the world is equitable, that race doesn't impact somebody's life trajectory.
Just remember that next time a Trump supporter claims to not be racist, there's a good chance they've never spent more than a moment thinking about phrases like "institutional racism" or "implicit bias".