On Saturday I saw a Proud Boy walking down the street in my little town on the edge of Seattle. He was in the Proud Boy uniform: the too-tight grey slacks, black sneakers, black bomber jacket, with the red arm ribbon and yellow decoration thingie.
He honestly looked like Hard Right Jay from Letterkenny; a total stereotype.
I should have stopped, gotten out of my car, and kicked the ever-loving shit out of the fucker. We had a war about this... pretty much everyone was there and agreed upon how these people should be treated...
But I didn't. And now this fuckstick feels like a champion for waving his flag of hatred in my community... whose Mayor, by the way, is Latino.
I shall not hold back next time. I've got a squeaky clean record and can handle some principled disobedient behavior, if that's what it's gonna take.