by Cumol
The credit for Netanyahu’s failure belongs to Palestinian citizens of Israel. The centrist Blue and White opposition maintained its size but failed to make any inroads into Netanyahu’s base. The union of left parties lost four seats. It was the Palestinian-led Joint List which was able to dramatically increase the turnout among Palestinian voters. In April 2019, the two parties representing Palestinian voters received 337,000 votes. In September, running together as the Joint List, they achieved 470,000, and in March 2020 they reached over 575,000; a more than 70% rise in one year. Without this surge, it is all but certain that Netanyahu would have been able to form a government.
If I calculated correctly, the voter turnout in the Arabic community was around 70%. Compare that to the red line in this graph and you understand how angry the Arabs are.

(hubsky doesn't support png?)
I would say trump and his plan are the reason why Netanjahu won't make a coalition and is heading to jail.