Hubski, I just saw our asshat commander in chief on TV ranting on about fighting the radical left some terrible reflection on our U.S. Fourth of July celebration.
It made me imagine what I might say if I had an open mic and five minutes on stage with His Orangeness.
I’m wondering what would happen if I gave him a big hug and started gushing on about how brilliant a man he is, thanking him for playing the role of the worst of all Americans. Something like, “Mr. President, you, in all your brilliance are doing such a great job of playing the villain role in our WWE(Or WWF at my age) version of American politics. You play the role of the racist, xenophobic, misogynist person that prevents America from being the world leader it can be. Thanks to your so carefully scripted bungling we Americans are being left with little choice but to accept responsibility for the changes that need to be made in our country. Your message has been received. Thank you for your time as president, we thank you for capping off your awesome artistry by agreeing to step down from the presidency this November.”
Then, I drop the mic.
I can’t imagine it going over so well, but it’s fun to imagine.
Hubski, what would you say and do?