Before I begin, let me say that I am a very, very lucky person. By most measure, Comparatively speaking, I have no right to complain. Everyone is going through something right now. Some more than others. I really am lucky. My family is healthy and safe.
But I’m finally feeling the effects of all of this, mentally. It feels like I’m in mourning.
I take a tremendous amount of joy from people. From in person conversations with people. From debating with people. Traveling, dining out with friends. A simple beer with a colleague. I miss these things so much. I’m lonely.
I’m sure I’m late to all of these emotions. But they’re just now hitting me. I bet we have another 6 months to a year of all of this. At a minimum.
I should mention that we moved in all of this to another state. Got here and have a rental house. We just bought a new home and will be moving in to it soon.
Just too much change. Change in the world, change in our family, change in schooling, change in my company, change in homes etc. just way too much all at once.
I played tennis today. It made me feel good. I’m training to play wasoxygen.
What are you all doing to stay sane? What’s helping you? Any hacks you’ve learned to feel connected to others?