1) About 15-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.
2) Miscarriages suck, but they can be made to suck less through judicious application of modern medicine.
3) "modern medicine" is not popular with Republicans, particularly Republican pharmacists, who regularly Cartman out and go whatever I do what I want and refuse to fill various and sundry prescriptions because they want you to respect their authoritah.
"BPOC" also stands for "byproducts of conception" and if they hang out where the baby was gonna be ladies die. This tends to happen in the developing world more often because there are fewer hospitals and fewer gadgets and drugs. The WHO had a pretty good run where they were dealing with this problem and then the US threatened to cut off their aid if they continued to do so in 2016 so all the policies and procedures for dealing with BPOC after miscarriage are gone.
Women are going to die. They're going to die in the South and they're going to die because some uptight fucktard at a CVS won't prescribe a woman who just lost her baby the medicine necessary to keep the miscarriage from killing her too because CVS doesn't wanna face criminal charges for providing abortions. And it won't be some social media manager at Meta whose healthcare plan will airlift her to Philly for abortions, it'll be someone black or hispanic without options and Greg Abbott will send thoughts and prayers.