by kleinbl00
Let's start with the "editorial board": The PRC totally hid COVID from the world
Literally the next link they gave me: Richard Petty and Billy Lane have things to say about trade school
And the next link: An Amherst grad thinks legacy admissions are great for diversity
Well over half the applicants to highly selective colleges could shine equally as students. How, then, do admissions officers decide who gets the golden ring?
Meanwhile in politics, nihilism takes the early lead
Petri: You know, there’s one thing we know about this group of people: If they bind together, they certainly can stop a candidate that they dislike. Like, there’s one thing this group of people is really efficient at. It’s stopping upstarts with no political experience from taking the nomination. So that bodes really well, I think.
In science and technology, enjoy this extremely pointed dunking on Russia via their space program
But 1966 was a long time ago. It’s the year Hewlett-Packard developed its first computer. It’s the year Fresca and Twister debuted. Frank Sinatra released “Strangers in the Night,” dooby, dooby, doo. Today’s Russia is trying to replicate an achievement from 1966 — and failing. It speaks volumes about the reckless waste of a once-great nation’s capabilities.