cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
should be good to go
edit: couple things, more seriously. ok, only a little more seriously.
1. This will never happen, and by that I mean This will never yield something worth anything remotely resembling $500 bln. in value. I don't have to really read the article, actually. A simple character judgement will suffice to disqualify this crew. Whose character? I dunno pick one
2. For this-ish amount we could more or less solve mankind's energy needs with fusion and battery and renewables, but no. Just fuckin torch dis beesh. (Kamala did flip-flop on fracking, after all, never forget) But yeah you know; Possibly the worst shit imaginable, seemingly on purpose, out of principle. Maybe you're [proverbial] all in, what the real badbois call "bullish" (it's very technical) on the atomic apocalypse with your Polymarket dark money pool, ketamine magic carpet doing the 330 millionth rug-pull, the nat 2020 memer. Reading that sentence out loud on TV. Because you're a fucking genius, champ.
3. Do y'all ever rhetoric-cope