I just don't get it. There's a friend of mine, the social justice warrior, college feminist type who posts once every hour and a half for most of the day. Its always something political or social justice related. Same with my other friend except his is just a dumbed down version of it. I use facebook to stay in touch with high school friends, not hear people rant about shit they dislike. I am socially obligated to stay friends or they'll all start bitching, and I'm not savvy enough with Facebook nor do I want to have to hide all of their posts.
This is probably my least in depth post here, but what sort of society do we promote when a social media site becomes the primary means of discourse? What does it say about us and our values? These are actually very uncomfortable posts for me to see; I do not find discussions about gender roles and social justice relaxing nor do I really care about my friends emotional state every hour and a half. I do not care what their professor said nor do I care what their personal view of history is because it is so rarely worth hearing that it might not as well be said.
I understand that people have a penchent for forming uneducated opinions, but before facebook they just never talked about it. I only found out my mom hates piracy this sunday. On Facebook, you can know everyone's views on everything and they will readily give up that information. The presumption is made that people care, and that presumption is validated when they get likes on the status, regardless of reasoning for the likes or what percentage actually liked it.
I knew facebook can be toxic, which is why I really only share some videos I find funny as in jokes for my d&d group or pictures of Wolverine lovingly stroking a picture of Akuma, and by no means am I deep in to facebook culture. But even just checking statuses makes me want to quit again.
Also, the status that set this off was an image macro of Dwight. The rough transcript is "There are women's studies but no men's studies? False. Men's studies is called history."
Fuck, its like they've never taken a history course beyond the basic shit, or never read a book on the subject. Seriously, its not the 1950s and history has progessed quite a few massive steps in understanding how people who weren't males fit in to history.