And so have had another iincomprehensible school shooting. This only happens here in America and it's clearly because of the prevalence of guns in our country. But it doesn't seem the solution is as simple as 'stricter gun laws'.
I have very strong politics and pride myself on the amount of research I put into them, but i've never known where to stand on this issue. i've been a hunter my whole life and I can understand gun ownership and responsibility, but it's also clearly a massive problem. We've passed gun laws, we've made it strict, but that doesn't solve the issue-- guns will end in the hands of criminals no matter what we do through illegal means and there are legitimate reasons for gun ownership.
But there obviously HAS to be something to stop these things from happening. I find a good amount of merit in the belief that a large part of the blame lies in our countries failings in mental health care, and we absolutely need reform in regards to that. No matter your politics, Reagan's measures against mental institutions dealt a devastating blow the country has not recovered from. Yet that isn't the entire issue. Other countries don't have adequate mental health care either, and they simply don't have these occurrences. The US is unique is its gun problems.
So what does Hubski believe to be the root issue and a potential solution?