Do we have any faith in the Capitalist system anymore?
We have been using it for so long and it has developed us into a consumer based economy. We now put commodities on a pedestal, almost worshiping what is placed in front of us. There is a disconnect between what we see as a finished product and the work that is put into making it. We don't care if our shoes have been made in sweat shops in Thailand or Bangladesh. There seems to be no consideration of this and we just continue on buying all of these things. As a society based solely on making money I feel like we don't really care as much anymore.
Now I am a firm believer in capitalism believe it or not. These ideas were brought up in a sociology class that I was a part of, and I always ended up being the devil's advocate for capitalism. I think that the benefits outweigh the negative aspects, and in addition I don't see any reasonable alternative that is in use in the world at present.
My question now is what are your thoughts on the capitalist system? I know it's not perfect and we thrive on a money culture, but what else can we do? Other systems are rife with corruption and anarchism is just stupid.
Link to Karl Marx's Commodity Fetishism idea: