During my brief time on Hubski, there's been a lot of touting of how Hubski promotes (or wants to promote) interesting and thoughtful discussions, and that people who don't want that shouldn't be on here. I'm certainly all for thoughtful discussion, and I have to admit that the majority of conversations I've had on here have been enjoyable and edifying. However, I have no reason to believe that a massive influx of users of any quality (and a slight change in the ignore function) would lead to a significantly less enjoyable Hubski.
I think as long as the ignore function has the ability to:
Then there's no reason that even if all of myleast favorite people from the internet came here that any given user would have to suffer unduly.
Granted, I'm new, I'm not that widely followed, and I have yet to absolutely prove this to myself, but I'm going to mock up a "Hubski simulator" over the weekend to double check what I think.
But, if I understand how things get on my feed correctly, then the users I choose to follow need only be ones which I find to be particularly interesting. So if 1,000,000 people joined who I find uninteresting/harmful to my experience, I won't follow them. The only issue then is that if they follow me then they might be all over everything I post and ruin my experience. Barring that, though, I can only think of ways that they could ruin my day through rather extreme collusion.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this is the case, or why it would be wrong?