So I was thinking about this recently since everyone seems to be talking about gun control. Why are some guns allowed and some aren't? Is it based on what would be reasonable to use in real life? If that's the qualification, then why in hell is anything but pistols legal? Nobody would ever need a gun that requires you to scope in for anything but hunting and at the shooting range. For hunting, you don't need anything powerful. And at the shooting range, there is no reason for that gun to come home with you.
I'm also going to switch it around, and say that all guns and military equipment should be legal. It's probably not practical to do that at this point, considering the power of modern military equipment, (pure chaos and self-destruction) but I dare you to find an argument against making guns fully legal that isn't a slippery slope.
Note: I'm not a gun fanatic. I actually don't own any firearms. I'm just curious what your opinion is on gun control and the slippery slope that accompanies it.