A surprisingly frank discussion on Black's and tipping.
Getting horrible service is only lightly touched upon in the film. Some servers will give black tables the bare minimum on service to putting all thier effort into tables they think they will get a tip from. This causes a feedback loop of a garunteed bad tip and terrible service for the next group of Black patrons who will in turn not tip for shitty service. I remember my jaw dropping when an otherwise nice lady I waited tables with said "Oh shit, I don't want to wait on nigs". I took her table and got a 15% tip on it.
I have many regular Black patrons at the bar I work at now. They all tip reasonably well. I'd count a few of them as my friends I do get stiffed by Black people more often then Whites and probably make less tips as a function of sales off them as well but not to the point that I bemoan their business.
Economist have good data suggesting that what a person tips is strongly influenced by what their parents tipped. Seems like it might suggest that poverty, disenfranchisement and segregation might have all contributed to the reality and perception that (some) blacks don't tip.
Several other videos dealing with black stereotypes on Black Public Medias "Blacks Don't" series.