I tried this a few times on AskReddit, but only got "porn" and "browse reddit" as answers. I still think it's an interesting question, so I'll try here.
1. You will enter the room with the computer exactly 14 days from now. This is to allow you to prepare your plan and your software/extra hardware. 2. You are locked inside the computer room for all 24 hours. You bring all your stuff, come in and the door is locked. Food, beverages and bathroom are provided. (This computer is too big to move anyway). 3. Absolutely no software is provided with the computer. So bring your own OS. 4. So you know what software you can run, we'll say it's x86_64. 5. The computer comes with 4 USB ports, one HDMI, one VGA, one multi-card reader, one ethernet port, a monitor, and a keyboard and mouse. That plus the computer itself is all you're given. 6. Everything inside this computer is infinitely fast. So there's no waiting for CPU, GPU (which isn't all that necessary anyway since you have an infinitely fast CPU), read/write to RAM or hard disk, or the bus. 7. However, your internet connection, since it relies on other computers, is limited to Google Fiber speeds. 8. This is the only connection that is provided. You can, however, bring other network hardware if you want. 9. You are also limited in the amount of RAM and storage space you have, even though you can write to them infinitely fast. You get 16 GB RAM and a 1 TB hard drive. 10. You can add more RAM or disk space, but that would be your own hardware that you would have to bring, and it would operate at normal speed. 11. You have cell reception, in case you wanted to bring your own modem for that for some reason. 12. I've already mentioned bringing some of your own hardware, but I'll extend that to say you're allowed to bring absolutely anything you want into the room, as long as it'll fit. The room is 20 m x 20 m (and 5 m tall) of usable space with the computer in one corner.
You may now begin.