A few people have remarked that hubski is a convergence of people delving into their own reading for their own personal projects and I really dig that about this community. I am curious though, about the research side of it.
I've had exchanges with several individuals, usually in regard to procrastination and/creativity about how they sometimes feel like they get sidetracked into lines of inquiry. I do too. At the moment though, I'm in what I feel like is a particularly generative phase, one which I hope to sustain. As social media is about sharing and indeed, social interactions are about sharing things, I wonder what lines of research people are diving into at the moment.
I've posted drafts of poems before and a huge part of that is research or at the very least, wondering about things and seeking answers or glimmers thereof. At the moment, I haven't restarted my computer in over a week as I don't want to lose the thread, as it were. I know that I can bookmark my tabs, but honestly I've got innumerable folders of such threads of research that I will be unlikely to return to any time soon.
At the moment I'm looking into a number of things, but most noticeably etymology. Poetry is all about making connections in some fashion, as are most other creative endeavors. I'm hoping to get some dialogue going as people see the threads of things others are working on that they might find interesting for their own work. So what are the threads of research you are following? And if you care to name it, what's the project? Mine are all related to generating drafts of poems.
Etymology stuff:
Hymen <---NSFW unless you're in the medical field (it's a diagram, but still)
and from there, "Pollution Priapism" (no hits)
Other stuff:
The Project Gutenberg eBook, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 (of 6), by Havelock Ellis