Yeah, I just had one awful, awful experience that has soured me on the entire thing. This one isn't bad at all, but the management here is a resounding "eh". Oh I'm aware of that. It's one of those things that I know is the case and the way that things work but it's hard to accept, and something that I need to figure out how to accept. As for biofuel, I just saw that a biomaterials course opened up for Fall. Yes please.As far as "outside forces" you will never escape them.
The key to working with management is to understand that they often have different goals than you do. Understand what their motivating factors are, keep your name off of any "bad lists" and like you say, stay anonymous. A lot of people in the corporate world rightly try to establish their personal brand within the organization. This is great, however the best way to do it is to have your immediate boss singing your praises. For the most part, you don't want his bosses boss to know you exist. Early in my career I volunteered for every thing. I've since learned that it's far better for me to remain anonymous, always hit my numbers and keep my mouth shut. Also, I have absolutely no desire to ever end up in management. None. The pay increase doesn't justify the accountability increase in my opinion. I enjoyed being a "lone wolf." But then, I'm one of the bad guys in "sales"