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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 13, 2014

First, there was an impromptu therapy session and I missed it? Boo.

Second, I too have been accused of - or rather, asked, it was more personable than yours, though at least you were shouted-out - if I was also various other users.

Third, I have wondered if other hubski users are also other hubski users.

And fourth, for a person who once proposed that we play an IRC game with wasoxygen called "find the real lil" or "correctly identify the hubski user," it can't be that surprising, no?

lil  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Second: I think galen was just trying to get back at me for telling him to be nicer to his mom. I'm not sure what am_Unition was up too.

Fourth: I thought was's game was a kind of Turing test as in, is this refugee or a robot?

First: re therapy session, I was referring to the IRC meetup a week ago Monday. We started with tng's theme of are you the best person you can be, and took off from there. Good participation from ButterflyEffect, was, am, and galen, and thundara. IRC threw me off for an hour or two just as mk and tng popped in. Even kb dropped by. We should do it again. Can you suggest a theme?

Third - multiple identities are entirely possible, but not that interesting to me at all. What is interesting to me is that which seems most authentic. That's why f-2-f meet-ups and pictures are interesting. Identities are verifiable. Your pics of you and noway, for example and the recent pics of eightbitsamurai in Nebraska and rezzeJ's trip to Canada. Both seemed consistent with their online identities also seeing veen with mk and b_b ... When people seem like who they present themselves to be, it is easier to trust and feel safe.

galen  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Second: Nah, I just tried to come up with the most ridiculous possible person to secretly be Technoviking. veen was a close second.

veen  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Am I the only one who doesn't know who technoviking is?

_refugee_  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't either

galen  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

veen  ·  3779 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes, my secret identity is indeed a dancing Russian Dothraki, lol.

am_Unition  ·  3779 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Khal Veen, you are my sun and my stars.

am_Unition  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I'm not sure what am_Unition was up to.

General mischief-making.

I smudged the "U", managed to look fat, and I need to shave, but here's a vacuum chamber with a duckface.

Unique identity proven.

galen  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

7/10 expected vacuum chamber to have duckface

am_Unition  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

With expectations that high, I would've deducted far more than 3 points.

Thanks, buddy!

_refugee_  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ah, okay. It was a crime of opportunity.

As for was' game I thought it was more a "Can we tell two different users apart by how they type/chat" but since we never did it - I cannot be sure! I thought it was similar to the "two lies and a truth" kind of game. I definitely interpreted it as about differentiating people, not people vs. robots.

As for IRC, I am loath to suggest a theme as I am unable to guarantee attendance, and it would feel wrong to influence or in a way inspire an event if I knew I couldn't be sure I'd be there for it.

Multiple identities do not interest me either. When asked if I was another user I pointed out that I would just be bluntly honest about myself as opposed to hide indiscretions or habits behind another wall. I try hard to be bluntly honest about myself and my failings, both here and in meatspace.

Although it is interesting to consider that pictoral representations of users could give one an accurate insight into whether their voices online feel "authentic" - so I type like a young adult white attractive female? What happens when someone doesn't type the way that their appearance suggests they might?

user-inactivated  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm as transparent as a plastic baggie, to be honest. Or, so people tell me.

Also the longer I spent on Hubski, the more I presented myself as who I am in real life.

lil  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Are you also becoming more authentic in real life, the longer you spend on hubki?

user-inactivated  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Haha, that's certainly a possibility, though I can't quantify it like I can reading my comments back to front here.

I've shown more conviction on my opinions and ideals, and I think Hubski has had a hand in that because of the discussion here.