I agree that Revolver and Abbey Road are probably two of my favorites, DEFINITELY Revolver. I would add Rubber Soul to the list though. Revolver always gets credit as the Album that transitioned them from "dance/pop" tunes to songs to be listened to. -For good reason, I could literally praise every song on it and its the obvious choice to carry the mantle as their "transition album". For No One -WTF? Could a song be any more painful to listen to for the broken hearted? The crunchy guitars on Taxman and And Your Bird Can Sing, Not to mention the lyrics or songs like Tomorrow Never Knows, are just fantastic. BUT... I think Rubber Soul is really a great album to see the transition in a more pure form from bubblegum pop to songs like I'm Looking Through You, Norwegian Wood, Nowhere Man, In My Life and even George's If I Needed Someone. For my money songs don't get any better than "In My Life". They just don't. It's perfect. So, for me Rubber Soul is there best work. But ask me tomorrow and my answer may be different, not because I'm flakey but because their work is just that damned good. Wow, this was fun to think about. Thanks.
- What other album brings you into its own space more than that one does?
This is the album that really made me fall in love with the Fab Four. But Pepper and and Abbey Road are both definitely a close second.
Don't get me wrong though, I really dig listening to it.
Also, kick ass drum solo. The longest Ringo ever had on an album. A lot of people claim it was Paul playing but both Ringo and Paul have said otherwise. How about those guitar sounds at the end? Whew!! Awesome song! Awesome juggling!