Just curious if any Hubski regulars also have a crippling addiction to the infuriating game that is League of Legends.
I'll probably be on later today; if anyone needs a duo partner on the NA servers, my sn is my username here. I normally play Malzahar mid, Amumu jungle, Maokai top, or Zyra support/mid/carry (because no one expects the plant inquisition)
Feel free to comment your main champs and server, and maybe we can get a Hubski League group going!
Don't play too much anymore. Used to be ranked silver.
I too have a crippling addiction to LoL. The only thing I can do for now is to make it fun, because why not? I play Ekko, Garen, and Twitch on any roles except Jungle. Yes, that includes Ekko/Garen support or ADC. I can make it work (I play in normals only). If you're not serious about winning but in search of a good time, join me! If you buddy me, remind me that you came from Hubski. IGN: Pupge , NA server @romeomike If you're looking for tips or wanting to play add me!
I keep trying to get into it, but my friend's roommate is incredibly intense about it and it keeps me from really getting into it because he's a judger... Like I cannot play a single game in front of him, and especially not LoL (he's on our school team or something like that) so I tend to not play. However if you're willing to have a complete amateur play with you I'd be happy to figure out my SN and get on to play with you!
I'm on OCE, so not going to be much help. Don't play too regularly either (any more).