"missed the point?" Look, this was outright propaganda. And kind of dumb propaganda, because the actual situation is quite damning enough, thank you. I stopped reading when it started to portray Pao's sexual harassment suit as a noble struggle against Silicon Valley Sexism. Which no doubt exists - but her own particular case at her own particular former firm seems to suggest otherwise - that she was simply a bad hire and difficult to work with on a good day. If the term SJW weren't so compromised, it's a term I'd apply to myself. But it attracts fanatics and unreasonable people. And it's entirely possible for terrible, lousy, abusive human beings to be unjustly persecuted.
That has to be a markov chain right? edit: Haha. I get it. I just saw the rest of your comments. Nice markov chaining. :)
This website continues to delight me. How does the concept of a Markov chain refer to this comment thread? The nerdy part of me is curious.
He's accusing you of being a bot that posts things based on what other people say, rather than a person with valid opinions. It's a procedural generation technique that uses existing content to create new content based on the order and frequency words/phrases appeared in the original. Here's an example: http://www.schmipsum.com/
Ah, thank you. That's possibly the single most obscure insult I've even been affronted by.
> The nerdy part of me is curious Me too. I googled Markov Chaining and got a faceful of banjo music. I think I grasp the concept, but how it relates to what I said above (and my previous comments) eludes me. Unless it's a suggestion that it's some form of "drunkard's walk," cleverly alluding to enjoying a beer while posting. If so, I must protest this reasonably accurate canard!
Maybe if we can crowdsource figuring this out... here's my contribution, a forum post about catchphrase bingo: http://forums.hexus.net/general-discussion/182565-catchphrase-bingo.html
I may just be missing your point - but I think you just failed to make one.
Good point. I interpreted the article as being about the brouhaha that's been going on over at Reddit, in general, instead of being specifically about a twitter hashtag trend. Apologies if I was incorrect.
Correct. So if I understand you correctly: to rephrase without the multiple negatives: the assertion is that the hashtag #redditrevolt has been co-opted by desirable people expressing desirable behaviour? That would be correct. I agree with you both.