Diacetyl, a flavoring chemical linked to cases of severe respiratory disease, was found in more than 75 percent of flavored electronic cigarettes and refill liquids tested by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Two other related, potentially harmful compounds were also found in many of the tested flavors, which included varieties with potential appeal to young people such as cotton candy, “Fruit Squirts,” and cupcake.
The study was published online today in Environmental Health Perspectives.
That study failed to mention that normal cigarettes contain between 10 and 100 times the amount of diacetyl found in e juice. Cigarette use could not actually be linked to popcorn lung, though. The diacetyl problem has been known in vaping communities for a while. Some are fine with just doing "less harm" as far as anyone can tell, others make sure they only use juice / aromas which are declared diacetyl free by manufacturers (many of whom have been phasing out diacetyl containing products since about 2010). I'm still slightly worried by all this, because we do indeed not have the data for the effects of 20 or 30 years of exposure. Vaping has replaced smoking completely for me and after about 2 years or so, the immediate effects on my respiratory system have been highly beneficial. Anyone who just discards potential long-term effects is imho just falling victim to wishful thinking, though.
Fruit squirts? That sounds like a horrible form of diarrhea. Basically, when this showed up on /r/science it was called bullshit due to the levels of diacetyl in the e juice. I've never seen the term 'popcorn lung' used seriously more than in that thread. I'm still skeptical about these things. You're doing something that's pretty far outside what the delicate tissue in your lungs was meant to do. And we didn't know about the dangers of cigarettes until people started getting sick. In 20-30 years we'll know how safe e cigs are and I won't listen to anyone who says they're 100% safe until we get real world epidemiological data.
Next thing you know, someone from Princeton will discover that global warming is fake. I don't buy studies anymore. Can't trust it: