Yup, I felt kind of silly liking an IKEA table that much.
Buddy of mine dated a girl with this awful post-modernist purple velour ikea couch. It was literally a fucsia square with a purple bolster bolted to it. He ambushed me by telling me we were "going shopping for some new furniture for me" (I'd just moved into an apartment) and then I find out he told this girl to stay home all day and he'd bring me by. So I bought a really awful Ikea couch for $100 and this thing for another $100. Fast forward two years to when I can move out of that shithole apartment into a better one with my wife and my actual furniture and he buys the awful fucsia thing for $75. And then he takes the legs off and powder-coats them. And then he takes the cushion off and gets it reupholstered in black leather. And there it is - a black leather marshmallow from Ikea that nobody wanted in the first place, is still ridiculously uncomfortable, but now has half a thousand dollars of sunk cost fallacy into it.
This was my fear when I started this project and why I didn't spring for the oak. The table is built all right and it was wood under the laminate so I had hopes. I couldn't find a rounded edge table I liked for under $400 and we have other goals for our furniture budget right now. I did the whole thing for under $100 but a lot of that expense is stuff I'll use again like new jigsaw blades, sand paper and steel wool. Hopefully I'll find something to coat in polyurethane soon (don't use poly that's over a year old is another lesson I've learned the hard way). If this didn't work I'd have given up on the project and bought a damn square cornered coffee table and bashed my shins up when I'm in my cups.