What about them is not practical? Been driving mine for three years now. No issues. Just spent a fuckload less money on gas.
But you only need a charging station (or gas station, for that matter) every 300 miles or so. Why waste the land to have essentially a toxic waste dump - a gas station - every three blocks? Do those vehicles need carbon fuel so much that it is worth turning all that land into barren wastes? Why do you need an EV charging station on every corner? For most drivers they need to charge once a week or so. And electricity is EVERYWHERE. Gas is not. You have to go to a special building on a specific corner to get gas. And that's the ONLY place you can get it. You can get electricity anywhere. Still not seeing how electric cars are "impractical" when measured against vehicles that need a special type of fuel, only produced by a small number of companies, at a limited number of physical locations... the "gas" stuff seems pretty limiting to me.
Idk about your neighborhood but the only charging station in my town is at walmart. "Electricity" is everywhere, but are car charging ports? In the future this could change, but at this current moment in time owning an electric vehicle is impractical unless you have a garage to park your car in, or more than one charging port for a 10 mile radius.
I want you to try and engage with the deeper idea, here. You are so indoctrinated in the fossil fuel industry's talking points and fear-mongering, you don't even have a clear frame of reference to think about the issue. What is preventing ANY electric car from plugging in to electricity ANYWHERE? An extension cord. What is preventing a gasoline-engined car from refueling ANYWHERE? The limited availability of gas from only certain locations that are authorized to store and sell this extremely dangerous material called gas. Yes, the problem is more complex because the electrical grid in America is a shambles and was never designed to ... well, honestly, it was never actually designed ... it just grew as need grew. With an intelligent infrastructure plan in place that modernized our electrical grid, electric cars could be a critical part of the infrastructure and plan, and play an important role in storage of non-fossil fuel energy for off-hours consumption. Which brings me back to the 300 miles thing you chose to ignore, to keep spouting fossil fuel industry FUD that you have been successfully indoctrinated with ... the vast majority of Americans - something like 70% or more - don't drive 300 miles in a WEEK. So regardless what type of powerplant you have in your vehicle - an EV or ICE vehicle with approx 300 mile range between "fill ups" of either electricity or gas - which one is MORE LIKELY to find its "fuel" literally anywhere? The EV. Electricity is far more ubiquitous than gasoline, and all you need is an extension cord. No tanker trucks. No fuel tanks buried underground leeching toxins into the environment. No exhaust fumes. No oil refineries. No oil rigs toppling over in bad weather, or oil tankers crashing into Alaskan beaches. No wars for oil in places where brown people live. No more money flowing to Saudi Arabia or Aramco. All of that can be eliminated with a few (metaphorical) extension cords. See what I'm driving at here...?