Dan Pink's, "The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us uses three key motivators for people; autonomy, mastery and purpose. When looking at what it is I like about my career (job) I think in those terms: 1. Autonomy: I work from home and I set my own schedule. I am compensated largely on a bonus structure that I am, to an extent, in full control of. -I get what I put in. 2. Mastery: I receive adequate training and education on an ongoing basis to help me be an expert in my field 3. Purpose: Does what I do for my organization actually have an impact? -My division comprises 38% of our organization yet it provides over 68% of the earnings. -That's a pretty big impact. But when looking at those three things Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose, there is no doubt that it is the autonomy that I like most about my "job." If I weren't self disciplined, it would be TOO much autonomy, but luckily I've never been a napper. I do think I should go take a walk though.