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Dig the tune, thanks for sharing. culminating in a glorious weeping session
Men don't do this enough. It can be the emotional equivalent of a rebirth. Maybe once every 5 years this spontaneously happens for me. Happened recently, from a place of intense gratitude. I cried for maybe 3 minutes, but it was intense and it was needed. As Flaming Lips so aptly said in, "Do You Realize," That happiness Makes You Cry
Appreciate the thoughtful comment, cgod. The point I was clumsily trying to make is that the covid vaccine, like the flu vaccine, isn't terribly effective and I no longer think it should be mandated, in general. However, I am DEF not a physician and if the reason that a heart transplant recipient should get the vaccine is because even though it is only nominally effective, it's still a safeguard, that tracks In short, it's okay to question the need for medical mandates. it's a conversation worth having. Vaccines are BIG business in the US. As a Pharma company, getting your drug on the vaccine schedule is the golden ticket. Every newborn is your customer, there is no risk of liability. That sort of incentive is corrupting. We should be skeptical. Having said that, vaccines are among our greatest achievements. Amazing science/medicine I am rooting for your friend. If he has a go-fund-me, post it here. I'd be glad to help and perhaps others would too? Thanks for the song, while I take the Hubski hiatus, I'll be checking in on that weeklymusicthread. See you there. Onward!I've left Hubski a few times. Mostly because y'all were ignoring bad actors and telling me I was being mean and over reacting
You were right. wasoxygen was right and so many others. Please accept my (I think I can say, "our") apology. As someone who knows a recipient of a heart transplant rather well, all caution has to be taken when you have a heart transplant.
I am sure that these precautions are well warranted. Again, and with emphasis, I think this young women's parents are FUCKING INSANE for not getting her vaccinated in order to get a heart transplant. Full stop. If you won't stop drinking, smoking, if you are over weight, if you won't get all your vaccinations than you don't qualify
Makes sense. If you're not willing to take these measures, and someone else is, then the more compliant person should become the custodian of that new heart. The story of the girl is sad but it's not unreasonable.
The most unreasonable part are the parents. I tried to make that point and simultaneously point out that if I could go back in time I wouldn't have had my children (thankfully not in need of a heart transplant) get the covid vaccine. Not because I am anti vax. My kids are fully compliant with the vaccine schedule, but because it's unnecessary. They're healthy and not in any danger from Covid. I wouldn't have had them get the hpv vaccine at birth either. Why? They're not in any danger of contracting hpv as a baby. But the others, I would do again. My father-in-law, he should definitely be getting the covid vaccine. He's older and not in the best shape. I think the person who was mean to you probably has had to go through a lot when it comes to their heart. It's hard to understand the difficulty that entails, it's a lot of time, fear, suffering and uncertainty. I have some sympathy. I also think that person is a dick otherwise in many ways but WTE.
And I could have empathy for that person, if they weren't such a complete asshole. So much anger these days and LOT's of assumptions. "If you think this, then you must think this." It's exhausting.
He recently turned 11. I came back here to reminisce. What a day that was. He is still beautiful and strong. Headstrong too. Intelligent, athletic and incredibly impulsive. He brings us all tremendous joy.
Anyone interested in reading Kennedy’s HHS statement that prompted the article can do so via link below. It’s not a long read. I don’t find any fault in it. And yes, I’m bullish.
What shit on RFK Jr. did I post? How is he, “going after SSRI’s?” It’s my understanding that in the past he has suggested they’re over-prescribed and harder to get off of than is suggested. I think something like 10% or more of adults are prescribed them. That’s a fucking crazy number. I’ll watch his actions and see if he does anything to deny people access to SSRI’s, but I’d be surprised if he did. Lots of reporting about what he might do or could do. I’ll wait to see what he does do and I’ll certainly hold him to account if the things he does do run afoul to my values. Easy enough. He a public servant, not a god. Im in a good place where I can genuinely judge our public servants on their actions. Sorry that you’re sick of, “my shit.” You can always block me. No hard feelings here.
Hey there, I have no idea who this is because you’re such a coward that you posted and ghosted. So brave. Your comment says far more about you than it does me. Get help
I am sorry your mom is so callous. But you should not extrapolate her values to anyone that is not interested in having the covid vaccine, especially those that are young and healthy. When the covid vaccine was made available I tried everything I could to get it asap. Why? Because I, and everyone else, was told that it would, "stop the spread." It was going to, "stop the pandemic in its tracks." I believed it. We were told that if we got the vaccine we could no longer get infected etc. You can choose to remember differently, but this is a fact. Then, slowly they rolled it back to 90% effective original strain, 60% Delta, subsequent strains are as low as 30% effective. The viral load that the vaccinated have was certainly lowered with the original strain but since omicron and beyond that seems to be more nebulous. So, if you're young and healthy I don't think there is a need to be getting the vaccine any longer. You're not protecting yourself and you're not effectively protecting others. It is certainly not the There are real reasons for young, healthy people to be skeptical re taking the covid vaccine. I think it's foolish to paint with such a wide brush. I know people that didn't take the vaccine because they were skeptical of the speed at which it was produced, a general distrust of government, the profit motive and the dismissal of other treatments. I was downright rude to these people at the time (my mom) and I have since apologized. My mom is very giving to strangers and people she knows alike. There are many like her. I think we need a truth and reconciliation approach to covid now. With radical insight into how decisions were made. Many of the things that were thought to be, "conspiratorial," have turned out to be true. See lab leak v natural origins. In short, you want to get the covid vaccine and subsequent boosters? Go for it. But it should no longer be mandated. Nor should the flu vaccine. Do you shame people that don't get the flu vaccine? Are they, "depraved?" Again, if it were my daughter, I would do just about anything to get her a new heart. Not excusing the parents. But I would also fight against a system that denies a child a heart for these reasons."most untargeted positive thing you can do for humanity."
No. Full stop. The DNC didn't have to deal with the any part of the country thinking anything about Harris. They brought that upon themselves. They knew Biden was mental mashed potatoes. They could have held a robust primary. They apparently ran polling to see who would win in an open primary. Guess who it wasn't -- Biden. Maybe Kennedy or Dean Phillips would have won or Klobuchar or Buttigieg, but it would have been by the will of the people. Instead they rugged Biden and installed Harris with zero input from any of us. Huge mistake. It wasn't Maga's fault that Harris lost. WTF? How dare they say mean things about the opposition candidate? The DNC couldn't have predicted that? Harris did almost zero long form unscripted interviews. This after her predecessor had the least amount of press conferences of any president since Reagan (a bad look since Reagan also had dementia). She said she wouldn't have changed a thing from the Biden admin... I mean, she was a really shitty Candidate. All the DNC needed was something, "new." She could have been that but chose not to be. Epic fail. The fact that "they're eating the dogs," came up and Harris STILL lost is a testament to how bad of a campaign she ran. It's not that she couldn't have won. She chose not to. All she had to do was to distance herself from Biden. To show she was young, energetic and willing to talk the issues in depth and go on long form interviews, one after another. But no. I'm telling you, it was an epic fail. So, yeah... Fuck the DNC.The problem, Steve, is you feel like you should have an opinion other than "what the fuck is this bullshit" which means you've already lost.
Well Seth, I think if you're stuck in, "what is this bullshit!" You've already lost. having an opinion on the issues is something I can't turn off. That said, I don't disagree with some of your characterizations of Trump. That he is a poor persons idea of a rich person is particularly funny. I don't know the lighting guys for the Apprentice, but I do know one of his top picks to head of the FDA in 2016. He interviewed several times with Trump. He went in to the meetings with the same characterization of Trump that you describe but left the process with a very different opinion. According to him, Trump asked insightful questions and in subsequent interviews referenced previous answers he had given in great detail. Had knowledge of the role the FDA would play in his administration etc. Jim was telling us all this story at a party (while we were in YC) to a bunch of people that were hardcore liberals. He got flummoxed looks. To that he said, "I know, I was surprised too." I think Trump is not as one dimensional as it is convenient to think he is. I also don't think he's a, "very stable genius." I get it? But the DNC had to deal with half the country insisting a vote for Harris was a vote for Intifada
Your Sweet Love - Lee Hazlewood. Gorgeous in every way.
So simple. so clean. Can't understand a word and it still resonates with me. Also, dig the album art. Oooh... when the chorus comes in. Cool horn/string slightly discordant arrangement. Dude, you have great taste in music. Grateful. Keep 'em coming!
Thank you. Will check out. FWIW, I shared that last one with a friend, he loved it too. I'm sure he will share it around as well. Gonna make Rogér Fakhr a household name.
I think it's silly in 2024 to require that anyone have the Covid vaccine for access to anything. If my child had a heart condition, I would definitely consult with physicians that were up to date on the most recent studies. Apparently there are several reputable studies showing that young people that get the mRNA vaccines are more likely to have issues re myocarditis. Not saying I wouldn't get them vaccinated, but I would certainly seek out some expert opinions. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have had my kids get vaccinated. They had all recently had covid and they have no reason to be at increased risk from contracting it. I think it was wrong to suggest all children get it. Older people and those that are immune compromised, for sure. Get it. But it shouldn't be mandated for anyone. And to deny a child a spot on a donor list because she doesn't have a covid vaccine is dumb. To not get your child on a list because you're taking a religious stand is also super dumb. Lot's of dumb here.
I wonder if he would be excited about AI or cautionary, or both? I think the gene editing he suggests will be Accelerated by AI.
Working a lot on the future of Forever Labs. I think this will be a great year for the company. It's been a long time coming. We have been alive for 10 years. It's time to thrive. Family is doing well. Kids are growing up too quickly. They're wonderful people. Each so unique. I've been working hard to be a better father and husband. Leaning into moments, instead of out of them. It's a subtle change with enormous returns. Less phone, more family. It's gonna rain all week here. Tonight is supposed to be my first USTA Spring match, but it's almost certain to be cancelled. Bummer. I've been working out so much for the past 2 years. I feel great with the exception of my knees. Damn genetics. I also have an inguinal hernia. Damn genetics! Both are bad right now, which makes walking up and down stairs a real slog. I'm feeling every bit my age in my knees and mid section. My upper body feels super fit. I'm going to be building a home gym. Want my kids and wife to workout with me. Set the kids on a path of lifelong fitness. Something I wish I had started when I was younger. I have an idea for a screenplay that I'm going to begin fleshing out. It's a Christmas film. I'm excited. Even if nothing ever comes from it, it's fun to create. Obsessed with tennis, loving my family, excited about business, and enjoying creativity in many forms. If my knees were better I would say that I'm batting 1000. Hope you are all doing well.
I might recommend reaching out to the selling agent next time yourselves and let them know that you'd like them to represent you as well as the seller. Tell them your budget. They may talk the seller into taking it so their firm can double dip? I have been representing myself the last two houses I have sold. (We have moved a lot). This saves us a ton of money. Only thing you really need is a good appraiser and a good attorney for paperwork. The entire residential Realestate industry is SOOOO ripe for disruption. Very little value provided relative to the fees they charge. Edit: Best of luck in your quest. I hope you end up in a great place!!
There’s a reason it opens doors. It’s hard as fuck to get into. Acting like it isn’t is also disingenuous. Personally, as someone that has been in the position to hire it would def help get you in front of me. From there though, it’s all about what you are capable of.
It’s the only information you know about him. It’s certainly not the only information his hiring manager knows about him. This article is dumb.
My skills in just about every area of my life took Herculean leaps from age 16-22. If a 16 year old writes a book, even a bad one, they’re likely already ahead of their peer group. The guy had a startup, went to Harvard and is likely a hard worker. Taking a badly written book a kid wrote at 16 and extrapolating that into, he must be an awful coder at 22 that couldn't possibly provide a team value, is silliness. Entertaining snark but more noise than signal.