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thenewgreen  ·  4013 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Matt Swanson - Crappy emails make me sad

Sending out a mass email to people is a hard thing to do.

1. Acting all sincere "congrats on helping us.... "you have great taste..." -reeks of insincerity.

2. Giving away something in exchange for them to help "spread the word" seems spammy, because... well, it is.

This is why we really haven't sent out a mass email to Hubski users before. You receive notifications about posts/comments, but you can turn those on and off. We've never just sent an email. Trust me, it would be nice to be able to as there are a number of Hubski accounts that are dormant and perhaps sending the email would bring some good folks back, but in the long run this is not the way we want to run the site. Almost every website I've ever signed up for does some sort of email marketing every week to retain me. I find it repellant.