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b_b  ·  3981 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Tigers trade Prince Fielder to Rangers for Ian Kinsler

Greatest trade ever. I'm not sure what Texas hopes to get out of it, frankly. Prince is a bust, and his best years are behind him. On top of that, he's a whiny bitch who cares about himself a whole lot more than he cares about winning. Defensively, first base is probably the easiest position, and Prince is the worst regular first baseman in baseball (by defensive efficiency), if I recall correctly. Maybe the people in Texas think that he'll thrive in a park that is friendly to lefties who pull the ball. Prince is a fat fuck who is only going to get worse with every pound he adds on.

Meanwhile, Kinsler, if he can stay healthy, solves a lot of problems for Detroit. The infield will now be 1b-Cabrera, 2b-Kinsler, ss-Iglesias, 3b-Castellanos (a top prospect) or Peralta, should they resign him. That takes a suspect infield who cost them a lot of runs last year (especially when Porcello, a sinker baller whose fielding independent pitching was great last year, while his ERA was not, a direct result of terrible fielding, was pitching), and makes it pretty formidable. Also, Kinsler is a natural lead off hitter, which gives the a lot of batting order flexibility, in case Jackson slumps, which he does from time to time.

I have yet to meet another Tigers fan who isn't super excited about this deal. And I know a lot of Tigers fans. What do you think, flagamuffin?