Got back in to this Sandro Perri album. BUT I LISTENED TO THE COOLEST THING EVER THIS WEEK My mother and sister drove from Michigan to NC to be at my daughters 3rd birthday party. They came in on Wednesday and the party was Saturday. That was a great surprise for my kid, she loved it. But her favorite person in the world is my dad. My dad took the redeye from Michigan to NC Friday night and surprised her Saturday at her party by showing up. -Pretty cool of him. After the party and the clean up etc, my dad and I made a run to get some food/beer. On the drive he says, "I have something I have to tell you." I was worried, and said.. "okay..." He responded, "I've been playing the harmonica." My dad has never played an instrument. Ever. He thought I would think it was "weird." I didn't/don't. I think it is the greatest thing ever. He told me that he can't stop playing and that his whole life he always thought it would be something he would like so he finally just bought one. My dad has always been a whistler. He whistles to every song on the radio but he always whistles his own melodies. He's got an ear for it. When we got back to my house, I pulled out several of my harmonicas and my guitar and I jammed with my dad. How fucking cool is that? Best part is, he sounded great. He closed his eyes and played and it wasn't corny or predictable at all. He had his own sound, his own thing going on. That was the best music Ive heard in a long time.