I'm the youngest, and will be the first person in my blood family to get a Master's degree. My sister, the oldest, is finally getting a nursing degree after years of bouncing around in things like Canadian Red Cross and Home Care. She has become pretty successful, but She spent much of her teens and 20s in in a spot where I pretty much figured that she was going to work at a convenience store the rest of her life (not that there is anything wrong with that, but it was due to lack of ambition, not passion for retail). My Brother is the smartest of the three of us, and the middle child. He'll be successful at whatever he does. He's going through a big life change at the moment (medically released from the military which will take like, 1-2 years to finalize), but He's got the smarts and the credentials and the built up life advantages to be a successful dude. I've done the best in school, my brother's done the best in life, and my sister's doing good now. I don't find this ringing true, but it's interesting.