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thenewgreen  ·  3922 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Time for a Blitski?

    I mean, do we really need it? I don't want hubski to grow for growth's sake:
-I know that steve isn't suggesting that, you weren't around for the first "blitzski" but it resulted in approximately 10 new users. Similar to what mk said in the comments here, one new user that "gets it" is worth a hundred that don't. I think Meriadoc has the right approach asking his close friend to join, who he has set the bar pretty high for. -I'm following her now and look forward to interacting with her. Any friend of yours is a brave soul indeed :)

Meriadoc's suggestion that you invite people from areas of your life you find enriching outside of Hubski is good advice too:

    Linking in r/askreddit is not a grand idea, but perhaps you know some intelligent people on a small sub, or another forum that isn't commonly used, or hell, people in meatspace you might think would enjoy it here.
-Well said imo.

I think rooibos has some great advice here:

    Think of a person or the people you know who don't participate in hubski, and whom you think would enjoy hubski most and would make better than the-current-average-quality contributions to it, and give them a personal invite.
-That's awesome!

I know that lil has invited people to join Hubski in the past (Mr. Kennedy as I recall) and theadvancedapes has too... hell, I bet we all have. What I think blitzski is all about is having a concerted day, or perhaps week when we do this.

We've relied entirely on our community growing as a result of you guys inviting people. With the exception of a couple of write ups/interviews here and there, that's how we've come to where we are. Blitzski is essentially that but in a fun way that we can measure. I like the idea and I think the timing is good. How do you all propose we go about this?

Thank you for suggesting this steve

Edit: to be clear, 0 new users is better than 100 that don't get it.