Communities and "future" are both fantastic suggestions. I'd love to do a podcast on "the future" and involve community members to discuss what they're excited about and worried about. Of course, we'd have to get our resident futurologist @thadvancedapes@ on board. Elizabeth, would you ever be interested in participating? veen that goes for you too.. you are both welcome to. It's fun and relatively painless. edit: Also, thank you for the compliment. There are other's that haven't been put to video. You can see them all under the #tngpodcast tag. Here's one that was fun: Collecting edit 2: Listening to the Collecting podcast and wow... they've certainly gotten better imo. So many pauses, so slooooowwww and artificially pensive. I'm excited for the next one to come out soon. I think it's perfect timing. The question asked is, "Why should honest people care about NSA Surveillance?"