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humanodon  ·  3915 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Don’t date a girl who travels

I saw this the other day. What bothered me was how general it all was. I've spent a lot of my 20's with girls who travel and you know what? Most of the time, they traveled with other people and those that did travel with other people, usually traveled with a boyfriend or a husband or a partner. I'm not saying that I think women or women who travel often aren't independent, just saying that as a person who is transitioning away from that lifestyle, this article paints that kind of life all kinds of romantic in ways that I did not observe it to be.

As someone who used to travel alone fairly regularly, yeah, there is a certain freedom in doing that, but there's a particular loneliness that can occur. Sometimes you experience something so incredible that describing it to someone who wasn't there, could never convey the magnitude or the thrill or the whatever of the experience. Sharing moments is one of the greatest things of all about traveling, in my opinion. Edit: I don't mean to imply that I think traveling alone is a bad thing, it's just that this particular piece seems to advocate too strongly on the other side and perhaps to an readership or perceived readership that won't have traveled much.

I also think that the kind of girl or woman she describes in this article, could better be described as "girls or women who don't yet know what they want and are therefore not looking for anything serious as settling down is not what they're after at the moment."

    She will meet many interesting, like-minded people from around the world who share her passion and dreams. She will be bored with you.

    So never date a girl who travels unless you can keep up with her. And if you unintentionally fall in love with one, don’t you dare keep her. Let her go.

These parts at the end really made me feel like this is actually a way of venting about someone, the "you" it mentions, that maybe this piece was written as a way of feeling better about however that relationship ended, which is fine, but I definitely have a problem with the way this tries to portray an expatriate existence and that a woman who travels is someone that no one else on earth can possibly understand.