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Kafke  ·  3913 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Don’t date a girl who travels

Yea, I've started to realize that. I feel like that I'm "ready" to go, but I'd like one small extra push, most likely from someone who feels the same way. As it stands, I'm just surrounded by people who like to stay in the same place, doing the same things. And it feels "wrong" to go against that.

Finding someone who will basically say "lets do it" and go would make it a lot easier. Which is what I mean by "pull me out of my bunker". Basically just someone to say "it's okay, lets do it" rather than everyone saying "it's a bad idea, just keep doing what you are doing."

That, and I'm waiting for about 2 more months or so, so I can finish up my degree.

It's not so much a lack of a desire, but rather, lack of initiative and motivation. Following the flow is much easier and comfortable. Having someone beside me doing the same thing would make it a lot easier just to hit the red button.