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_refugee_  ·  3889 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How can I be a better single guy?

Conversely, I am great at being single, and often think I am bad at being in a relationship.

I guess the first step would be, stop trying to date anyone. At all. Just don't. You want to focus on you, right? So just tune out romantic notions. Don't make it a priority in your life.

You can meet new people doing things like kayaking, camping, and fishing - they don't have to be solitary. I have found that the best way to meet people is by already knowing people. Hang out with them and meet their friends. Over time, you will accumulate more. Alternatively, there are sites and services like meetup.com which are specifically formed to help you meet a group of people with a common interest, like say - kayaking, camping, or fishing.

Meeting people takes time. However, if you arein school, it is surprisingly easy to meet people and gain friends - even through focusing on schoolwork. Find people to study with in your classes or just find people that seem cool and sit next to them, start talking. Go to parties you are invited to. Ask someone if they wanna grab a bite with you after class.

I talk a little bit about personal hierarchies in my response to 8bit down below. You may or may not find that helpful.

Focus on ensuring that you are doing what you like to do. Focus on meeting your goals. You will find you still meet people doing this. And that maybe, you will make progress towards becoming the kind of person you'd like to be.